William W. Creighton Youth Services

Empowering People. Inspiring Communities.

Board of Directors
About Board of Directors

Join our Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at William W. Creighton Youth Services is currently seeking nominations to the Board of Directors. The Board is particularly interested in recruiting someone with an accounting background to round out the skill mix on the current Board.

The Board of Directors at William W. Creighton Youth Services is responsible for governance and strategic planning for the organization. Responsibilities include regular attendance at monthly Board meetings and committee meetings. As a governance board, the Board provides direction to the Executive Director regarding the priorities and parameters for the management of the organization.

For further information or to make a nomination, please contact David Richards, Chair, Nominating Committee drichards@lakeheadu.ca or 807-630-1324.

David Richards (Past Chair)

David was appointed to the Board in June 2013, served as Board Vice-President, and was elected President in 2022. David has a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration and holds Master degrees in Business Administration and Social Work.  He is currently the Interim Provost & Vice-President (Academic) at Lakehead University.

Michael A. Hargadon, M.A., J.D. (Chair)

Michael was appointed as a Director in 2019.  Michael specializes in criminal law, is the firm principal and provides services to our northern communities. His background and preparation as a lawyer is valuable to Creighton Board.

Bob Simon (Vice Chair)

Bob is originally from the Elsipogtog First Nation, formerly called the Big Cover Band and belongs to Mi’kmaq First Nation, his family relocated to Thunder Bay in 1998.  Bob is a constable with Thunder Bay Police and serves as an Indigenous Liaison Officer for the Community Inclusion Team (CIT).  Bob is dedicated to creating positive relationships between police, Indigenous people, other racialized and underrepresented groups and support the needs our school communities.  His appointment as a Director began in March 2017.

Rachel Labate (Treasurer)

Appointed in February 2017, Rachel works as an Accountant for the City of Thunder Bay and has her Chartered Professional Accountant designation.  She actively participates in various community races and marathons within our community.

Melanie Dupont (Secretary)

Melanie was confirmed in June 2016.  She was the Vice-President of the Community Action Group for Windsor, Blucher and Piction neighbourhood for the City of Thunder Bay and currently provides district representation.

Michelle Probizanski (Member at Large)

In 2019, Lakehead District School Board appointed Michelle Probizanski to the position of Superintendent of Education. Michelle Probizanski has served with the Board of Education for many years and focuses her positive energy on student success.  She and has been a Director for Creighton since June 2013.

Pat Murphy (Director)

Pat, appointed as a Director in 2017, has served many years with the City of Thunder Bay Police Services, receiving Police Exemplary Service Medal in 2011.  He also owns and manages PDR Contracting and Concrete Walls, both successful companies that provide commercial and residential contracting.

Jack Martin (Director)

Jack was appointed as a Director on September 8, 2022.  Jack brings district representation from Kenora/Sioux Lookout areas and his professional work experience and strong community values is welcomed to the Board.

Ryan Gibson (Director)

Ryan was appointed September 27, 2023 as a Director.  Ryan has served many years with Thunder Bay Police and currently holds the position as an Inspector.  Ryan is a resourceful, accomplished and dedicated professional whose strong leadership skills are welcomed to our organization.

Jaida Gregg (Director)

Jaida is of Indigenous descent, Oji-Cree from Lac Seul First Nation.  She is a registered nurse currently working in a pediatric nursing role with the Independent First Nations Alliance Tribal Council.  Jaida graduated from Lakehead University in 2022 with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and will be continuing education this coming fall in a Master of Public Health with Focus on Indigenous and Northern Health.  Appointment as a Director will begin on June 11, 2024.

Fred Schmidt (Director)

Fred is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist who is registered to work with children, adolescents, adults, and families.  Fred has held an adjunct position with the Psychology department at Lakehead University since 1995 and has been actively involved in research and has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses.  After working at Children’s Centre Thunder Bay in a number of different clinical and management positions for the past 33 years, he recently retired and continues to work at CCTB on a part-time basis.  Appointment as a director will begin on June 11, 2024.